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Objects hold a purpose beyond practicality; they possess the power to awake our imagination and keep us in the present moment. â€‹â€‹True design evokes emotion, ignites curiosity, and sparks conversation. It nourishes the wandering mind, inspiring a pursuit of authenticity—a desire to explore and celebrate our inner worlds, each uniquely complex.​



The hand project symbolizes the owner's desire to break down the barriers between the practical and creative worlds, demonstrating the importance of their coexistence in balance. By embracing unconventional forms in our daily lives we awaken our minds to the idea that the world is shaped by our imagination, where the extraordinary becomes possible. â€‹



​Living life and what we surround ourselves with is a form of art. Be bold. Embrace the unexpected. Say the weird thing and create a world around you that nourishes your soul. Let it be a source of joy and freedom—of wild, boundless energy—rather than another invisible boundary that keeps you rigid and chained to superficial ideals of who we’re told we should be.



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